
Our birding paradises in Caldas

Learn about the locations that will be visited during the Birdwatching Congress, which are located from 850 m to 4,100 m altitude.

Birding between 850 and 1.600 m.a.s.l

01. Embalse y Bosque San Francisco-Refugio La Esmeralda

Special birds: Pandion haliaetus (NB), Picumnus granadensis (E), Psittacara wagleri (NT), Thamnophilus multistriatus (CE), Corapipo leucorrhoa (CE), Ceratopipra erythrocephala, Myiarchus apicalis (E), Polioptila bilineata, Myiothlypis fulvicauda, Eucometis penicillata, Hemithraupis guira.

Located in the La Esmeralda village in the municipality of Chinchiná, 60 minutes from the city of Manizales, this property owned by CHEC has an altitude range from 850 m to 1,050 m altitude, and it has around 40 hectares. of forest and is considered the last forest relic on the banks of the Cauca River reported in Caldas, it corresponds to a Tropical Semi-Dry Forest with high biodiversity and influence of the river and the reservoir, it has a bird census of 219 species positioning it as a site of high ornithological interest.

Route: Bird watching by road, on the shores of the lake (reservoir), and in forest patches.
Difficulty: Medium, very hot climate 25-30°
Transportation: Van (collective)
Recommendations: Sunscreen, a hat, comfortable walking boots, and powerful glasses for shots at the lake.

02. Finca Romelia Orchids & Birds

Special birds: Ortalis columbiana (E), Leptotila verreauxi, Leptotila plumbeiceps, Heliomaster longirostris, Theristicus caudatus, Accipiter striatus, Malacoptila mystacalis, Pachysylvia semibrunnea, Cyanoloxia brissonii, Saltator atripennis (CE)

Located in Manizales, 45 minutes from the city in the sector known as La Cabaña, this place has 18 hectares. From 1.000 m to 1.200 m altitude, avocado and citrus crops stand out mixed with fragments of forest, Finca Romelia is a family tourism project that is born from love for nature, study and conservation of orchids and preservation of wildlife, It has one of the largest collections of orchids in the coffee zone and a bird census of 221 species.

Route: Bird watching and photography at feeders, gardens, private trails, and in forest patches.
Difficulty: Low, warm climate 20-25°
Transportation: Jeep
Recommendations: Sunscreen, hat, comfortable boots with grip for walking.

03. Tinamú Birding – SONY Kando

Special birds: Crypturellus soui, Ortalis columbiana (E), Leptotila plumbeiceps, Chrysolampis mosquitus, Pionus chalcopterus (CE), Epinecrophylla fulviventris, Grallaria guatimalensis, Manacus vitellinus, Lophotriccus pileatus, Piranga olivacea

Located in Manizales, 30 minutes from the city in the San Peregrino – Finca Tinamú sector with an area of 12.6 hectares at 1.220 m altitude, in a natural reserve of tropical humid forest, a specialized place for bird watching and nature photography. home to birds, mammals, reptiles, butterflies, and a wide variety of ancient plants and trees. The tours are carried out along private trails of about 3km. and you can take photographs in the feedlots and gardens around the facilities, it has a bird census of 271 species.


Route: Bird watching and photography at feeders, gardens, private trails, and in the forest.
Difficulty: Low, warm climate 20-25°
Transportation: Bus
Recommendations: Sunscreen, hat, comfortable boots with grip for walking.
Requirement: To participate in the SONY Kando activity, high-speed SD memory is required to use photographic equipment and be able to take high-quality photographs.

04. Hacienda Venecia

Special birds: Nyctibius griseus, Phaethornis striigularis, Theristicus caudatus, Malacoptila mystacalis, Aulacorhynchus haematopygus (CE), Colaptes punctigula, Lochmias nematura, Phaeomyias murina, Chlorophonia cyanocephala, Ramphocelus dimidiatus (CE)

Located in the rural area of the municipality of Manizales, 20 minutes from the city near the Coffee Highway towards Pereira, at 1,315 m altitude, a coffee farm with 100 years of tradition and vast coffee fields, a picturesque and exuberant environment which includes native trees, water springs, and forest patches, immersed in the landscape and Colombian coffee culture, has a bird census of 229 species.

Route: Bird watching in gardens, private trails, and in forest patches.
Difficulty: Low, warm climate 20-25°
Transportation: Van (collective)
Recommendations: Sunscreen, hat, comfortable boots with grip for walking.

05. Ríoclaro La Soledad (Finca Demostrativa Don Miguel)

Special birds: Merganetta armata, Heliomaster longirostris, Nycticorax nycticorax, Pulsatrix perspicillata, Picumnus granadensis (E), Serpophaga cinerea, Cyanocorax affinis (CE), Setophaga petechia (NB), Cyanoloxia brissonii, Dacnis hartlaubi (E)(VU)

Located in Villamaría, 30 minutes from the city of Manizales in the direction of Chinchiná along the old road, this trail is located near the Chinchiná River from 1,300 to 1,400 m altitude, it presents fragments of forest immersed in some local plantations, this is the lowest area of the tourist project “La Ruta del Cóndor” with a bird census of 217 species.

Route: Bird watching and photography at feeders, gardens, private trails, on riverside roads, and in forest patches.
Difficulty: Medium, warm climate 20-25°
Transportation: Van (collective)
Recommendations: Sunscreen, hat, comfortable boots with grip for walking.

Birding between 1.600 and 2.300 m.a.s.l

06. Kairi Lodge Natural Reserve

Special birds: Philodice mitchellii (CE), Eubucco bourcierii, Psittacara wagleri (NT), Cranioleuca erythrops, Cyanocorax yncas, Chlorophonia cyanea, Atlapetes flaviceps (E) (VU), Setophaga cerulea (NB) (VU), Pheucticus ludovicianus (NB), Stilpnia vitriolina (CE)

Located in Manizales, 10 minutes from the city center in the El Arenillo village, between the biological corridor of the Alcázares Ecopark and the El Arenillo reserve at 1,800 m altitude, they focus on promoting conservation tourism and generating a high social impact. positive; The reserve is in a tropical humid forest and low mountain with 1 ha. extension with trails and gardens to attract hummingbirds, it has a census of 160 species.

Route: Bird watching and photography at feeders, gardens, and forest patches.
Difficulty: Low, temperate climate 18-21°
Transportation: Van (collective)
Recommendations: Sunscreen, hat, comfortable boots.

07. Fogón de Palo

Special birds: Ortalis columbiana (E), Aulacorhynchus haematopygus (CE), Cranioleuca erythrops, Ramphocelus dimidiatus (CE), Tangara gyrola, Merganetta armata, Pulsatrix perspicillata, Cercomacroides parkeri (E), Chlorophonia cyanocephala, Atlapetes flaviceps (E), Habia cristata (E), Saltator atripennis.

Located in Manizales, 20 minutes from the city center at Km 10 via Neira at 1,700 m altitude, they have dedicated 5 hectares. to the recovery of nature with the planting of endemic botanical species such as mispero, niguitos and chachafruto that border coffee crops and guaduales that border the Guacaica river bank, it has a certificate of tourism sustainability and has a census of 242 species of birds.

Route: Bird watching in gardens, private trails, and in forest patches.
Difficulty: Medium, temperate climate 18-21°
Transportation: Van (colective)
Recommendations: Sunscreen, hat, comfortable grip boots for walking.

08. Bosques de la Pradera

Special birds: Leptotila plumbeiceps, Haplophaedia aureliae (CE), Megascops choliba, Malacoptila mystacallis, Eubucco bourcierii, Forpus conspicillatus (CE), Thamnophilus multistriatus (CE), Cyanocorax affinis (CE), Habia cristata (E), Stilpnia cyanicollis

Located in Manizales, 15 minutes from the city on the Alto Bonito path via Neira at 1,800 m altitude, it presents lush gardens, plant greenhouses, fragments of reforested forest and is immersed in some local coffee plantations, accompanied by the sound of the ravine. the Bohío that enriches its environment and nature with more than 3 thousand orchid individuals, 300 species of butterflies and a bird census of 199 species.

Route: Bird watching and photography at feeders, gardens, private trails, roads, and forest patches.
Difficulty: Low, temperate climate 18-21°
Transportation: Van (collective)
Recommendations: Sunscreen, hat, comfortable boots with grip for walking.

09. Tominejo Ecolodge

Special birds: Philodice mitchellii (CE), Eubucco bourcierii, Aulacorhynchus albivitta, Picumnus granadensis (E), Pachyramphus polychopterus, Cyanocorax yncas, Chlorophonia cyanocephala, Setophaga fusca (NB), Pheucticus ludovicianus (NB), Stilpnia vitriolina (CE)

Located in Manizales, 25 minutes from the city via Neira at 1,900 m altitude, in a field previously dedicated to livestock and now converted into a reforested forest with more than 7 thousand native trees on 70% of its land, mitigating the impact of the global warming, taking care of water sources and attracting a great diversity of birds, it has a census of 127 species.

Route: Bird watching at feeders, gardens, private trails, in forest patches
Difficulty: Low, temperate climate 18-21°
Transportation: Van (collective)
Recommendations: Sunscreen, hat, comfortable boots with grip for walking.

10. Lodge Paraíso Verde

Special birds: Chamaepetes goudotii, Patagioenas fasciata, Philodice mitchellii (CE), Momotus aequatorialis, Aulacorhynchus albivitta, Pionus chalcopterus (CE), Cyanocorax yncas, Arremon brunneinucha, Pheucticus ludovicianus (NB), Saltator atripennis (CE)

Located in Manizales, La Cuchilla de los Santa, 10 minutes from the city center Vía La Linda, it has an area of 7 hectares. at 1,950 m altitude, in a very humid premontane forest. This place is an eco-hotel specialized in bird watching, around 4 km of ecological trails and with a bird census of 202 species.

Route: Bird watching and photography at feeders, gardens, private trails, in forest patches
Difficulty: Low, cold weather 17-20°
Transportation: Van (collective)
Recommendations: Sunscreen, hat, comfortable boots with grip for walking.

Birding between 2.300 and 4.100 m.a.s.l

11. Reserva Natural Licorera de Caldas

Special birds: Penelope montagnii, Patagioenas fasciata, Heliangelus exortis (CE), Trogon personatus, Andigena nigrirostris (CE)(NT), Drymophila striaticeps, Pipreola riefferii, Pyrrhomyias cinnamomeus, Cyanolyca armillata (CE), Anisognathus somptuosus

Located in Manizales, 20 minutes from the city center at Km. 10 via Magdalena, with an area of 270 hectares. from 2,300 m to 2,700 m altitude, within the framework of montane and high Andean forests, 24 ha. of White Oak (Quercus humbolti), 68 water sources, where the Taira, Armadillo, Cusumbo, Red-tailed Squirrel, weasel, silver fox among others live, with a bird census of 249 species.

Route: Bird watching on private trails in the forest and on the road
Difficulty: Medium, cold climate 15-20°
Transportation: Van (collective)
Recommendations: Sunscreen, hat, umbrella/raincoat, comfortable boots with grip for walking, coat/sac.

12. Río Blanco – SONY Kando

Special birds: Schistes albogularis, Asio stygius, Pharomachrus auriceps, Andigena nigrirostris (CE)(NT), Grallaria rufocinerea (CE)(VU), Pipreola riefferii, Cyanolyca armillata (CE), Cinclus leucocephalus, Sericossypha albocristata (VU), Saltator cinctus (NT)

Located in Manizales, 20 minutes from the city via the Minitas neighborhood, with an area of 4,900 hectares. from 2,250 to 3,800 m altitude, it has ecosystems of high Andean forests and sub-moorlands, it is the main supply basin for the aqueduct of the capital of Caldensa through Aguas de Manizales and is the habitat of the white-tailed deer, the cusumbo, the dog of mountain, among other species of wildlife, with a bird census of 393 species.

Route: Bird watching and photography at feeders, gardens, private trails on the edge of the forest
Difficulty: Low-Medium, cold climate 15-18°
Transportation: Bus
Recommendations: Sunscreen, hat, umbrella/raincoat, comfortable boots with grip for walking, coat/sack.
Requirement: To participate in the SONY Kando activity, high-speed SD memory is required to use photographic equipment and be able to take high-quality photographs.

13. Owl´s Watch

Special birds: Penelope montagnii, Uranomitra franciae, Pharomachrus auriceps, Andigena nigrirostris (CE)(NT), Leptosittaca branickii, Grallaria milleri (E), Xenops rutilans, Cyclarhis nigrirostris, Dubusia taeniata, Tangara nigroviridis

Owl’s Watch (La Vigilia de los Búhos) located in Manizales, 30 minutes from the city via the Minitas neighborhood, with an area of 80 hectares. within the Río Blanco Reserve at 2,600 m altitude, in a native forest for the observation of resident, endemic and migratory birds on trails and feeders suitable for bird photographers with hides and platforms providing incomparable opportunities to observe up to 189 species of birds.

Route: Bird watching and photography at feeders, gardens, private trails in the forest.
Difficulty: Low, cold weather 15-18°
Transportation: Van (bus)
Recommendations: Sunscreen, hat, umbrella/raincoat, comfortable boots with grip for walking, coat/sack.

14. Cantares Reserva Natural

Special birds: Nothocercus julius, Spizaetus isidori, Scytalopus latrans, Andigena nigrirostris (CE)(NT), Chaetocercus mulsant, Coeligena torquata, Kleinothraupis atropileus, Myioborus ornatus, Ochthoeca cinnamomeiventris, Piranga rubriceps

Cantares Natural Reserve is located in Manizales, 30 minutes from the city via the Minitas neighborhood, in the heart of the Río Blanco Reserve, a wonderful natural jewel with an area of 36 hectares. at 2,600 m altitude, in an Andean forest where a varied fauna flourishes that includes coatis, armadillos, crab-eating foxes, and more, and has a bird census of 150 species.

Route: Bird watching in gardens, private trails in the forest.
Difficulty: Medium, cold climate 15-18°
Transportation: Van (bus)
Recommendations: Sunscreen, hat, umbrella/raincoat, comfortable boots with grip for walking, coat/sack.

15. Reserva Forestal Protectora Bosques CHEC Cedral

Special birds: Penelope montagnii, Schistes albogularis, Trogon personatus, Andigena nigrirostris (CE)(NT), Colaptes rivolii, Hapalopsittaca amazonina (CE)(VU), Pipreola riefferii, Chlorophonia cyanea, Piranga rubriceps, Tangara vassorii

Located in Manizales, 20 minutes from the city via the Magdalena with an area of 3,893 hectares. from 2,300 to 3,800 m altitude, serving as a biological corridor between the Chec and Río Blanco reserves, are characterized by the presence of high Andean forests, declared as a Protective Forest Reserve by CORPOCALDAS in 2002, in the place it has been reported the presence of pumas, rufous deer, armadillos, and other mammals, with a bird census of 284 species.

Route: Bird watching and photography at feeders, gardens, private trails, in the forest
Difficulty: Medium, cold climate 15-18°
Transportation: Bus
Recommendations: Sunscreen, hat, umbrella/raincoat, comfortable boots with grip for walking, coat/sack.

16. Hotel Termales del Ruiz 

Special birds: Anisognathus igniventris, Aglaeactis cupripennis, Chalcostigma herrani, Coeligena lutetiae, Iridosornis rufivertex, Eriocnemis derbyi (CE), Diglossa cyanea, Atlapetes pallidinucha (CE), Urothraupis stolzmanni (CE)

Located in Villamaría, this route is 90 minutes from the city of Manizales via the Magdalena with a detour at the Parador La Esperanza towards the Los Nevados National Natural Park, the Hotel Termales is at 3,500 m altitude with high Andean forests where it is possible to observe a variety of birds such as hummingbirds and mountain tanagers in the gardens and other species at the feeders. On the way back, there is a station at Laguna Negra, this route has a potential for 115 species of birds.

Route: Bird watching and photography at feeders, and gardens, in front of the lake and on the road.
Difficulty: Medium, cold climate 10-13°
Transportation: Bus
Recommendations: Sunscreen, hat, umbrella/raincoat, comfortable boots with grip for walking, coat/sack, gloves
Restrictions: Minors, older adults and/or people with heart or respiratory problems.

17. El Color de mis Rêves

Special birds: Odontophorus hyperythrus (E)(NT), Aglaeactis cupripennis, Glaucidium jardinii, Dryobates nigriceps, Hapalopsittaca amazonina, Grallaria rufocinerea (CE)(VU), Acropternis orthonyx, Pipreola riefferii, Atlapetes schistaceus, Sericossypha albocristata (VU)

Located in Manizales, 40 minutes along the old road to Nevado del Ruiz, with an area of 2 hectares at 2,800 m altitude surrounded by 3,600 hectares. of montane and high Andean forests to disconnect from the city and live an adventure with nature; The Glamping offers several points of interest for photography and has a census of 107 species of birds.

Route: Bird watching and photography at feeders, gardens and at the edge of the forest
Difficulty: High, very cold climate 10-13°
Transportation: 4×4 truck, trail type road, crossing the river
Recommendations: Sunscreen, hat, umbrella/raincoat, rubber or waterproof boots, coat/sack, gloves
Restrictions: Minors, older adults and/or people with heart or respiratory problems.

18. Hacienda el Bosque

Special birds: Zentrygon frenata, Ramphomicron microrhynchum, Andigena hypoglauca (VU), Dryobates nigriceps, Grallaria saturata, Grallaricula lineifrons (CE)(NT), Pipreola arcuata, Chlorophonia pyrrhophrys, Arremon assimilis, Buthraupis montana

Located in Manizales, 30 minutes from the city on the road that leads to Bogotá from 2,800 m to 3,900 m altitude, which allows for varied ecosystems such as grasslands for livestock and dairy production and large areas of high Andean forests and protected paramo. For more than 40 years, family work that has allowed the conservation of more than 25 water sources, has a census of 139 species of birds.

Route: Bird watching and photography at feeders, gardens and at the edge of the forest
Difficulty: Medium-high, very cold climate 10-13°
Transportation: Van
Recommendations: Sunscreen, hat, umbrella/raincoat, rubber or waterproof boots, coat/sack, gloves.

19. Vía Nevado del Ruiz y Laguna Negra-Brisas

Special birds: Oxyura ferruginea, Oxypogon stuebelii (E)(EN), Gallinago nobilis (CE)(NT), Vultur gryphus (CR), Geranoaetus melanoleucus, Bubo virginianus, Grallaria quitensis, Asthenes flammulata, Muscisaxicola alpinus (CE), Ampelion rubrocristatus

Located in the municipalities of Herveo and Manizales, 60 minutes from the city of Manizales via the Magdalena with a detour at the Parador La Esperanza towards the Los Nevados National Natural Park, there are stations in several places such as San Carlos, La Laguna Negra, the Arbolito and Brisas sector from 3,500 to 4,100 m altitude, a route between ecosystems of high montane forests, dwarf forests, paramo and lagoon, has a bird census of 107 species of the 239 reported in the PNN Los Nevados.

Route: Bird watching on the road, on the edge of the forest, lake and natural gardens.
Difficulty: Medium-high, very cold climate 8-11°
Transportation: Bus
Recommendations: Sunscreen, hat, umbrella/raincoat, rubber or waterproof boots, coat/sack, gloves.
Restrictions: Minors, older adults and/or people with heart or respiratory problems.